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About Askerton Castle Organic Estate
Askerton Castle Estate is a 1458 acre organic livestock farm situated a few miles north of Hadrian's Wall in Cumbria. The farm has been certified organic since September 2004 and obtained Pasture For Life certification in 2019. It is run by Jane Eden and Chris Evans.
All of our meat comes from stock that is born and bred on our farm, giving our customers complete assurance that our animals have been cared for by us to the highest welfare standards from start to finish to produce the finest quality British meat.
We have our own on farm butchery which enables us to cut, prepare and pack all the meat that we sell.
Our ACORN membership scheme offers a 10% discount on purchases as long as you remain in credit.
You can buy directly from the farm and at regular and seasonal farmers' markets. We also offer various delivery routes in Cumbria and Northumberland and a next day countrywide mail-order courier service.